Jun 25, 2010 06:20
- 16:20 I am having a hard time believing that I am the first person to coin the word "tentaclysm" - but Google backs me up. Ready for Cthulhu now! #
140 characters
May 08, 2010 06:20
- 22:34 The top free app in iTunes store: "Ow My Balls." Current year: 2010. When reality beats _Idiocracy_ by 495 years, you know we're in trouble. #
140 characters
Apr 29, 2010 06:20
- 10:48 Why do older men disproportionately grow megabeards? When's the last time you saw a white goatee? (OK: besides Uncle Sam and Col. Sanders.) #
- 16:14 APOCALYPSE WEATHER WATCH! Lightning and 1/4 inch hailstones! Run for cover! (Dear people who live outside of California: Plz stop laughing) #
140 characters
Apr 05, 2010 06:20
- 15:19 Today's first-world problem: Feeling the weather-based melancholy described in "California Dreamin'" - but I already live in California! :-( #
140 characters
Mar 24, 2010 06:20
- 09:18 @ roguecnidarian: That game don't exist yet, but the (Rob Liefeld!) comic book does: bit.ly/aVeruu #
- 17:07 When they say that Indian food gives you vivid dreams, I don't think they were quite anticipating it being "giving Dr. House a colonoscopy." #
- 21:55 I'm forced to conclude that running an RPG with flashback mechanics (
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140 characters
Mar 17, 2010 06:20
- 13:34 @ lupabitch Speaking of which, I recently told Kady that she needs to make pagan-themed ice cream, starting with the flavor "butter P-con" ;) #
- 13:47 Semi-regular reminder: I use Twitter as a bounce to my Livejournal, to write 140-character, one-off thoughts that I otherwise wouldn't post. #
- 13:47 If you've friended baxil.
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140 characters
Mar 16, 2010 06:20
- 14:45 Dear spammer using our users' logins to send out bank account phishing e-mail: For maximum karmic retribution value, please die of swine flu #
- 14:46 As I grow older, the list of things that I want to write is growing faster than the list of things I have written. This is totally unfair :( #
140 characters
Mar 13, 2010 06:20
- 11:34 Currently being encouraged by my boss to come out of the closet as a dragon, and being paid to filk "If I Had A Hammer". Srsly I love my job #
140 characters
Feb 15, 2010 06:20
- 16:04 In #Pcon OSOGD room party conversation just now, I misheard "sharp pointy objects" as "sharp pony objects." (*ears perk up* Oooh! Unicorns!) #
- 22:22 At the age of 32, I have just now (for the first time) experienced something most people will never get to do: Dance to a song in 7/4 time. #
140 characters
Feb 13, 2010 06:20
- 23:38 As a scifi/furry congoer I always have to make a big readjustment to pagan cons. 11 pm and the hallways are empty; everyone is in a ritual! #
- 02:38 Spent the later part of the evening dancing. About a con and a half's worth, since I wasn't able to get out on the dance floor at all at FC. #
140 characters